
least worst option 「(ひどい中で)いちばんまし」 [注意したい単語・意外な意味]

前回の less bad からの連想で、同様に「まし」なことを意味する least worst option について書きたい。何だかヘンな表現に感じられ、英語として適切といえるのだろうかとも思うが、実際に使われているのが言葉のおもしろいところだ。

いくつか実例をあげよう。least worst のあとは option 以外の単語でも大丈夫だ。

- “In a crisis, you’re dealing with the least worst choice,” she said. “For Google, that was a new muscle because Google really had had the best of the best options for so much of its life.”
("Alphabet CFO explains how Google fixed a dip in productivity during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic" CNBC, November 18, 2020)

- “When you don’t have a good choice, you go with the least worst choice. Trump versus Clinton, he was the least worst option and it wasn’t saying much. When you’re the least worst option, that doesn’t mean you’re the pretty girl at the prom. It just means there wasn’t anyone else showing up to dance with,” she said.
("‘It’s a coin toss here’: will swing voters in this Wisconsin county stick by Trump?" The Guardian, August 31, 2020)

- Philip Rycroft, who led the Department for Exiting the EU between 2017 and 2019, told BBC Radio 4's Westminster Hour while there were issues around the protocol it was the "least-worst option" and had to be made to work.
("Brexit: Lord Frost accuses EU of 'ill will' over UK exit" BBC, March 8, 2021)


- When you put a cross in the box in the voting booth you are putting your faith in your favourite, or least worst option.
("Food vouchers: Why government U-turns matter" BBC, June 16, 2020)

- Now, the U.S might end up sending troops in anyway. Obama was proud of finding what looked like the least-worst choice in 2013. The events of 2017 are calling that choice into question, and presenting Trump with a similarly unappealing menu.
("The Painful Syrian Education of Barack Obama and Donald Trump" The Atlantic, April 7, 2017)

least worst option というのは不適切で、least bad option とすべきだといった意見もウェブで見つかった。とはいえ、引用したようにメディアでも使っているので、是非はともかくとして、それなりの市民権を得ているということは否定できないのではないかと思う。


- 2. The next time someone tells you something is the “least worst option,” tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.

Re: The counter example doesn’t really make sense, most best is the upper range of the positive side of a scale, but least worst is also the upper range of the negative side. A fair comparison would be the least best option, which like least worst, also makes sense.
("38 American Responses to Americanisms the British can’t Bloody Stand" Medium, August 16, 2019)

この least worst を項目に立てている辞書はちゃんとあった。

- [only before noun]
the least worst choice is the best choice from a list of choices that you think are all bad
Often it's a question of choosing the least worst option.

- informal
bad but better than any available alternative
And that's the least-worst-case scenario.
That may be the least-worst approach, but it carries clear risks.
(Collins English Dictionary)

もうひとつ、あるサイトに least worst option と似た意味の言葉があげられていたので、いくつかを紹介しよう。上で触れた least bad や、これもよく見聞きする lesser of two evils などが列挙されている。

- lesser of two evils
- lesser evil
- least bad option
- least bad way
- less evil
- lesser of all evils
- second-best solution


- Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
(Winston Churchill)

そしてウェブで探してみると、確かに "Churchill once called democracy the least worst form of government" などとパラフレーズしている例があった。

least worst...でも非ネイティブの私には十分ひねったものと感じてしまうが、さらにひねった言い方をしたチャーチルは、さすがノーベル文学賞の受賞者というべきか。





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