
winter wallop 「冬の嵐」 [ニュースと英語]

「10年に一度」という最強寒波が日本を襲っているが、世界のあちこちも強い寒気に見舞われている。そうした英文記事を読むと wallop という単語にちょくちょくお目にかかるので、短くメモしておこう。

「強く打つ」とか「打ちのめす」、また「こてんぱんにやっつける」という意味の動詞、また名詞では「強い一撃」「痛打」を表すインフォーマルな言葉だ。語源的には gallop と共通点があるという。


- Winter storm bringing snow, ice and tornadoes, expected to wallop US this week
(ABC News, January 2, 2023)

- California is bracing for more stormy weather as forecasters say more rain and wind is set to wallop the region in the coming days.
("California Braces for More Rain and Floods As Joe Biden Declares Disaster" Newsweek, January 15, 2023)

名詞としては winter wallop という言葉も目にとまる。w- で揃えたということだろう。

- Toronto and the GTA (The Greater Toronto Area) are under a snowfall warning with a winter wallop on the way. Here is what to expect.
("What to know about the winter storm set to hit southern Ontario
" CityNews Toronto, January 24, 2023)

- Manchester, New Hampshire was among the hardest-hit communities in a snowstorm that roared through the region on Monday.
Already dealing with snow from a previous system, residents in Manchester were out clearing sidewalks and driveways as yet another winter wallop made its way through, dropping a fresh coat of heavy, wet snow.
("Residents digging out in Manchester, NH after another round of snow", January 23, 2023)

なお、2つ目の例に出てくる system は気象の言葉としては「大気の状態」「気圧系」という意味でよく目にする感があるが、なぜか明記していない英和辞典が意外と多いように思う。a low-pressure system は「低気圧」ということになる。

いま日本を襲っている寒波について wallop を使った英文記事は調べた範囲では見当たらなかった。せっかくなので、この単語は使われていないが、「10年に一度の寒波」を表す英文を参考までに引用しておこう。

- Japan on Tuesday was bracing for a severe winter storm that could bring heavy snowfall and strong winds across the country amid a once-in-a-decade cold snap.
("Japan faces heavy snowfall amid once-in-a-decade cold snap" The Japan Times, January 24, 2023)

広い範囲で雪 (swath) 
「冬将軍」 Jack Frost と「フロスト警部」シリーズのこと 

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"Winter wallop" is a phrase that refers to a severe winter storm or a period of extreme cold weather during the winter season. Here are some examples of how the phrase can be used:

・The forecast calls for a winter wallop this weekend, with several inches of snow and temperatures well below freezing.
・Last year, our town was hit with a winter wallop that knocked out power for several days and made travel nearly impossible.
・I always make sure to stock up on groceries before a winter wallop hits, so I don't have to go out in the storm.
・The ski resorts are hoping for a winter wallop this year, so they can open early and have a long season.
・After several weeks of mild weather, a winter wallop came out of nowhere and caught everyone off guard.
by Orange (2023-02-18 01:53) 



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